The ‘world’ can feel heavy right now. We can be weighed down by the seeming hopelessness of it all. It can feel like we are literally carrying the weight of the future world on our shoulders, with no solution in sight.
It can be debilitating, we can feel helpless.
When I feel this way I start looking for how to bring more light and beauty into my world.
I find art and creativity are the answer.
art1 | ärt | noun
1 the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
Art makes us feel.
Think about the amazing artists who manage to bring their visions to life literally before our eyes, the musicians who create music that pulses through our bodies making us dance or cry, the dancers who combine sublime movement and storytelling with music to evoke feelings, the actors who help us see whole new worlds and the writers who create those worlds.
Art not only makes us feel, it turns feelings into something tangible.
I am grateful for artists every single day. All of them. I am in awe of their talent. They create so much beauty and meaning in this world that it makes my heart sing.
They are changing the world and so can you.
You may not be an ‘artist’ but you are a creator.
I believe that every single one of us is creative, it just shows up in us all differently at different times of our lives. Creativity goes far beyond the traditional ‘Arts’.
We paint, write, sing, dance and act, yes, and we also garden, cook, talk, weave, sew, build, renovate, birth businesses, birth children, and so much more that can all be described as creating. Author Elizabeth Gilbert, of Eat Pray Love fame, wrote an amazing book that I believe covers this well,called ‘Big Magic’ - highly recommend!
create | krēˈāt | verb
bring (something) into existence cause (something) to happen as a result of one's actions
With this definition in mind, it would be fair to say we are all creating, all the time. So, the question is not can you create, but WHAT can you create?
What do you WANT to create?
If the world is not how you would like it to be, what version of the world would you love to be able to dream into existence? Do you know what that looks like? It might seem hard, we are busy and we are tired from carrying the weight of the world, remember?
You’ve heard people say if you can dream it, you can create it. I believe you can, one moment at a time.
Take the time, even just 5 minutes, to dream what your ideal reality looks like.
How it would feel to live in that world?
Feel the feelings.
Name the feelings.
Now hold onto that dream.
Your world
If there is one lesson I have learned time and time again so far in my life, it is that thinking I can control of anything other than myself is a myth.
The only thing you can control in your world is you. How you interact with people and places, what you listen to, what you watch, what you do in your spare time, who you spend the most time with, what you accept in the way others treat you and speak to you.
It means paying attention and consciously choosing how you live from moment to moment.
Don’t get stuck thinking of the things you think you can’t change.
What can you change right now to help you feel the same feelings that you identified in your dream.
If the world you dream of is peaceful, a slower pace, how can you create even just 5 minutes more peace in your world right now?
Example: stop scrolling, light a candle, do some deep breathing exercises, listen to a calming piece of music. CREATE the feeling.
If the world you dream of is energised, how can you create even just 5 minutes more energy in your world right now?
Example: drink some water, soak up some suns rays, eat some fresh fruit, put on your fav tunes and dance around the room, wear a bright colour. CREATE the feeling.
If the world you dream of is inspiring how can you feel more inspired right now? Example: Listen to an inspiring podcast, read inspiring poetry, watch an inspiring film, read an inspiring story, be around people who inspire you to be YOUR best. CREATE the feeling.
Life is made up of moments and what you feel in those moments. To create the world of your dreams CREATE more moments that make you feel the way you want to feel.
Rose or Jade
There are two ways of seeing the world. I have always been a rose coloured glasses person. It is a conscious choice. However, it also something you can get better at, with practice.
Then there is looking at the world with a jaded perspective. Thing is, even if that jaded perspective is warranted due to circumstances, continuing to see the world this way will do nothing to change it for the better.
Try a shade of pink, see how it makes things seem a little warmer, a bit more friendly, a bit more like the kind of world you’d like to live in.
You are the storyteller of your life, you get to create your reality moment by moment. Wear the rose coloured glasses.
Dream, feel, create.
The artists of the world are showing you how to create the world of your dreams. Follow their lead, support them, be inspired by them. Dream, feel, create.
Being a creative in this world helps to make it more beautiful, it is a superpower, and as we know, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your creative superpower for good.
I am an artist. I am a creative.
Being a visual storyteller is something I take seriously yet is also brings me true joy. I am able to use my gifts to tell the story of my clients in a way that connects with their audience.
I am committed to making the world an even better place one creation a time. I'm daring to dream. I'm feeling the feelings.
Join me.