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Brand Strategist and Designer Jennifer Birkhead

Combining strategy & human design to tell your brand's visual story

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Strategy reveals the unique truth of your brand.
Design brings it to life visually.
This enchanting alchemy evokes feeling.  
And people make decisions based on how you make them feel.

That’s why I tailor your design.  Because I understand that making sure we get the feel just right, makes all the difference.
Human Design provides us with the blueprint to your authenticity.
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What you get when you work with me

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Say goodbye to a cluttered, confused and chaotic approach to your branding and creative projects.


Together we will get super clear on your vision and your mission and how to align with all the elements that make up your visual story.


You are an active part of the process the whole time. You will learn how, and why, to make the right decisions in creating a brand you love, that is beautiful and speaks clearly to your clients. 

When you share your story and ideas with me, I listen for all the ways we can bring your vision to life that are tangible, practical and aligned with your own brand of magic.


We do the strategy ground work together and I provide professional expertise in how to plan and then piece everything together.


You connect with me, I connect the dots, then we connect with your audience using authentic brand strategy and design.

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Having a brand as unique and authentic as you are is empowering. There are no cookie cutter solutions here.


Our brand strategy, together with bespoke creative design, and expertly crafted design files, means you don't have to figure it out on your own.


You'll have a brand you love, confidence to share it with the world and the professional files to make it possible and seamless.




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You won't find packages here. Instead you get to choose your own adventure!
Because, just like no two people are the same, and no two brands are the same, no two projects or clients have exactly the same needs either!

I would like to introduce you to the...

Design Day 

One fee. One day. Your specific needs met, fast. 

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Benefits of booking a Design Day

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The biggest issue I have with creating packages is they feel far too restricting, to you, and to me!


You may have needs that extend beyond a set package or, you may not be clear on exactly what you DO need just yet. 

I can help either way. 


I have a vast skill set and don't like boxing myself into a list of predetermined deliverables. I want to be able to provide you with the service YOU need.


We follow the path and make decisions along the way, based on the desired outcome, choosing our own adventure together.


We can achieve magic when we know what we have to focus on. When we distill a project timeline down from weeks (or even months) to a focused day, our attention and energy becomes focused too.


You are able to truly capitalise on the excitement you have for your project. You can focus your energy on what you need to contribute to get the project done instead of putting it off.


You also have my undivided attention and focus for your project on our allotted Design Day. 

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Let's make the most of this excitement and momentum with a fast turn around time!


Getting the ground work done first so we have clarity on what we want to achieve, having all the moving parts I need, and the blocked out time to focus, means quality results achieved fast!


I have been doing this work for a long time and have come to recognise that with all this experience, I can achieve high quality results in a short time frame. By delving into my Human Design and reflecting back on all those years of experience I can clearly see - I am made to work like this. 


I am here to initiate, to get in and get it done fast! Win win!

Design Day examples

What we are able to complete within your Design Day is completely tailored to you however this can give you an idea of what can be achieved.


When you submit your application to book a Design Day you can tell me what your goals are and what items you would like me to take care of for you. I will then be able to let you know whether this would be best suited to a half day, full day or multiple days.

Then you choose you own adventure! 


You have done the ground work and have a clear idea of what you want style wise, who your audience and what your brand voice is.

  • Brand guide

  • Full Brand Suite including all variations of logos

  • Brand graphic elements

  • Mood Board


You want someone to help you build strategy and create a clear plan for how to move forward with your ideas and goals.

  • Human Design Reading

  • Brand Strategy aligned with Human Design

  • Concept exploration

  • Mood board
    (styling, fonts, colours)


You have an existing brand that needs some new material designed perhaps for an upcoming event or new direction.

  • Course Booklet

  • Social media templates

  • Brochure

  • Poster

  • Podcast cover art 

Ready for your Design Day?

Step by step process


Fill out your Design Day request.
The more information you supply at this point the better so I can help guide you.


I will respond with suggested day/s to book.
This is where you give me the green light and we book you in.
Payment required upon booking for your day.


Prep work completed & submitted.
Depending on what your goals are and your priority list includes, I will need certain files or information before I can commence work on your Design Day.


45 min video call 3 - 5 days before your booked Design Day

We go over our plan and any supplied prep work to make sure we are on the same page. This is your opportunity to ask questions and I will let you know if we need anything else before Design Day.


Design Day 

7 hrs of design time - I get to it! Along the way I will have two check in points with you to allow for feedback. At the end of the day I will email you with everything accomplished for you to review and sign off on over night.


The final hour (the next day)

There will be a one hour window for any minor changes you request.
The final files will be exported and delivered to you after this hour. 

Work beyond simple changes that can be accomplished in this timeframe will need to be booked in for another day.


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Design Day 

One fee. One day. Your specific needs met, fast. 



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Combining Human Design with Brand design is a truly MAGICAL combination that will take your authenticity to the next level.
Jennifer Birkhead Design Human Design

The reason Human Design made such sense to me was because it is ALL about that fact that no two people are the same - we are all built differently, with unique gifts and ways of communicating and interacting with the world. 

When we incorporate your Human Design into your brand strategy and creative projects, everything is amplified.


It is like turning up the dial up of your authentic message and tuning the frequency of YOU into visual messaging that sings to your audience.


PLUS, it feels good to you because you are in alignment with your true self. It starts to feel like you are in flow.


When you work with me, understanding your Human Design Chart is part of the ground work we do that assists us with your creative project and business, and also just life in general - talk about win win!

Want to learn more about Human Design?

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